Thursday, September 23, 2010

Because I have a fast internet connection & it's easier to update through pics.

The Argentinian Wedding in Samana much fun!

My dates for the weekend.

The house where we hung out for the nice.

Going up to visit Magee's site in the campo!

Her house. Really cute... & quiet, too!

Her lawnmower.

Her bathroom.

Trying to hike to the rio.

Carly's fam came to visit!

Moca crew.

The fun group for the night.

proof that i do work. this is from a camp about a month ago...meant to post it much sooner.

Water Conservation Summer Camp 2010. par-tay. ps did not make this sign.

Delvin & me.

one of my favorite little girls of all time here.

my coworkers at the CTC!

ok will write soon! have a good day!


  1. Love, love, love the pictures!! Love you! Keep the updates coming :o)

  2. Wow. Great pictures. Love the one on the beach with the sunset in the background. And wow, what a house. I bet you guys had a great time. Glad to see it's not all work. Love you much, Dad

  3. I'm all caught up with the blog!! Can you email me the address I can send stuff to? Pretty please?! Love you!

  4. Awesome! I need your phone number! Cant find it.

  5. Great pictures; looks like you are having fun.
